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ニセコなだれ情報  Niseko Avalanche Information 2016.12.29 Thursday

ニセコなだれ情報  Niseko Avalanche Information

ニセコなだれ情報 第23号 Niseko Avalanche Info No.23







Niseko base 6am: -5℃, 5cm snowfall, calm. Moiwa peak: -8℃, SW5m/s, 10cm new snow with no snowdrift development. Hirafu peak ridge: light wind, -10℃, 10cm new snow. Annupuri 1150m: -8℃, W10m/s, light development of snowdrifts, good groomers condition. Coastal data: Kamui cape WSW7m/s, 1010hPa, 1.9m waves.

The general avalanche risk low. Snow and wind is forecasted to pick up as a cold front moves across around noon. Moiwa gate 6 is scheduled to open tomorrow after the beacon checker is set. Avalanche beacons or helmets are not mandatory equipments however is strongly recommended to wear.

The Japanese Park Law advocates the protection of the environment as well as the adequate use of it. The Niseko Rules acts as a safety guideline implemented by the local community and is the foundation for the local and federal government to tolerate the situation.

Anyone has the right to freely climb and glide down a mountain in Japan.

The Rules are here to protect the freedom and the safety of out of bounds riding.

Please respect the Niseko Rules and let others now about it too.

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